Videos of Club sessions
If you want to see videos of our members playing Garden Croquet, go to the News Index tab above and look for headings that state "& video".
If you want to see videos of our members playing Garden Croquet, go to the News Index tab above and look for headings that state "& video".
Duncan Hector videos
To see the complete collection of Duncan's croquet related videos go to his You Tube Channel here. If you want to be kept up to date with new videos, subscribe to the channel (free - just hit the subscribe button).
You can watch some of his most popular videos below.
You can watch some of his most popular videos below.
Reg Bamford World Champion
Surbiton Croquet Club September 2012
Reg agreed to give a talk to Surbiton members about his mental approach to the game. It is a 55 minute video and includes everything you need to know if you want to emulate his fantastic performance. He is 4 times World Champion and has completed no fewer than 243 sextuples in tournament play (up to April 2013) |
Spencer Ell Cup 2011
Letchworth A class weekend Aug 20th and 21st 2011
The Dyno-Lever shot
Inter County Championships 2008
Reg Bamford - Men's Championships Hurlingham 2004
This series of 4 parts features World No 1 Reg Bamford in the final of the Men's Championships 2004. The video covers the whole game right from the beginning in which Peter Trimmer starts with a supershot opening. This is of particular interest because Reg completes a Sextuple. This means that he not only ran all twelve hoops but peeled his partner ball through its last 6 hoops and then pegged both balls out - this won him the Championships. He completed no fewer than 7 sextuples in this event alone.
Pyramid Cannon Shot
White jumps the hoop, brown runs the hoop and the other balls split at 90 degrees.
White jumps the hoop, brown runs the hoop and the other balls split at 90 degrees.
Open Championships 1992
Robert Fulford v Tom Browne Game 1
Robert Fulford v Tom Browne Game 1
_This 30 minute video by Duncan Hector is one of Robert Fulford’s TPs, the 11th in the series of 19 which was, at that time, a world record for consecutive TPs in Championship play. This has since been beaten by Chris Clarke who achieved a series of 20. Robert was playing Tom Browne who only got three shots in this game. But in the next game and Robert’s 12th TP in which Tom makes a hoop!!! The other opponents who played their part in being TP’d by Robert were: Don Gaunt, Steve Comish, Richard Hilditch, David Goacher, Tremaine Arkley (twice), Kiley Jones (twice), Michael Heap (twice), then Tom Browne twice followed by, Nigel Aspinall (twice), Colin Irwin (twice), Tom Coles (twice) and Stephen Mulliner. Mulliner then broke the series by beating Robert with a TPO. Robert’s response was to beat Stephen with another TP. He then went to the Northern Championships and got another 6 TPs, 2 each against Brian Storey, Colin Irwin and Ian Burridge before losing in the final 3-1 to David Maugham.
Hoop Setting |
_This 26 minute film features Tom making a hoop Robert making his 12th successive TP iin Championship play which was part of his record breaking run of 19 TPs. Unfortunately the camera battery became an issue and not all hoop runs are on the film but all the peels are. Robert made a clever promotional canon at corner 4, a long peel at 4 back ( which took several minutes off camera), a missed peel at penult -the rest of the game was reliable Fulford at play!